Hand cutting

Ultrasonic manual cutting

Sonomax ultrasonic manual cutting systems are ideal for cutting and welding in simultaneous, both synthetic or partially synthetic textile, in a precise and linear/rectilinear or curvilinear form, avoiding fraying.

This ultrasonic vibration technology uses a low energy consumption, and is very different to the hot systems. No need for heating up period and no need to clean cutting blades. Obtains perfectly clean, uniform and un-burnt edges

These Sonomax ultrasonic systems have a range of frequencies (30 – 40 kHz), power /amplitude / weight, and can be combined with the series SX generator. They have interchangeable sonotrodes for the different type of cutting.

Ultrasonic welding Sonomax

Manual cutting structure

Frequencies: 30-40 kHz

The manual cutting structure is ideal for linear cut and it is designed to be slide in a rail in the direction needed without make pressure on the textile.
The structure is already tensioned, adjusted and it is not necessary to make specifical regulations.

Plastic Manual Handgrip

Frequencies: 30-40 kHz

Perfect for cutting in curvilinear and freestyle form or following an outlined shape.
Used by making the handgrip lightly run along the textile.

Manual Compact Handgrip

Frequencies: 30-40 kHz

As per the plastic manual handgrip, this handgrip is perfect for cutting in curvilinear and freestyle form or following an outlined shape.
Used by making the handgrip lightly run along the textile.
Specially ideal for cutting difficult forms and spaces, with very tight curves.


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